Thursday, 9 February 2012

What impact has there been on the way in which the audience now consume the media products/ texts involved in your case study? How does it differ from what went before?

What impact has there been on the way in which the audience now consume the media products/ texts involved in your case study?  How does it differ from what went before?  

The consumption of media for the audience has changed dramatically in the past few years, the consumption of traditional media has dropped whilst digital media has risen as people are using technology more such as video games, social networking and television. Rupert Murdoch had hoped to "reverse" free news trend and introduced new paywalls on newspapers such as the Times on online for subscriptions. However this was widely rejected with 88% of consumers saying that they get "their online news free" and therefore found no need to pay for news that they could be getting for free.

The introduction of Web 2.0 has allowed consumers to make their own material for the internet, giving the internet a more pluralist platform on the internet as we know it today. It has given the audiences more power in what is said on the internet, more like a freedom of speech as they can respond to media in different ways unlike how marxists has originally intended whereby they were a passive audience. Audiences can now conform, accommodate, challenge or reject what they recieve in the media and this can be done over all three platforms. For example the introduction of Blogs has allowed users to create and provide others with their own opinions on things that they have seen may it be a story in the news, what they had witnessed during their day or opinions on the release of iOS5 for example. As this is available to anyone they want other people can then read these and gain a wider understanding of peoples views, this is a type of freedom of speech. Twitter has also contributed to this giving thier own users to "tweet" anything they wish, although it is still regulated, for example an MP Diane Abbot tweeting "White people love playing 'divide & rule' We should not play their game #tacticasoldascolonialism." This caused huge uproar amongt people on twitter and the public in general, with another MP pointing out it was racism, "MP Louise Mensch retweeted it with her addendum: "you what? <~~~ #racism"
Techinology has allowed people to use twitter anywhere and when ever they wish to, it being available on your desktop, laptop and phone, with tweeting becoming a whole lot easier and more accessible with iPhone.
Twitter has given audiences the power to recieve what they have read and react to it in anyway they want. In this case it was widely rejected, which if it hadnt been for the uprise in pluralism this would have been accepted. However, it still stands that some people may have agreed with what the politician said, but their opinion would not have been possible becuase of the ridicule that would have been recieved, showing that perhaps the internet is not so plural at all and does choose sides and it dominates like marxism does.

However, there is the problem of online piracy as well; audiences can now access content that should be paid for, for free. For example, music, although it should be paid for by buying the CD on-line or in the shops, people now can go on websites that allow them to download the music for free. A recent bill that was proposed by the United States called SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) this anti piracy legislation caused some of the internet’s most influential sites such as Wikipedia to close down or 24 hours in protest to this. The American government wanted a type of control over the internet, and this is why it was set up, to stop other websites from torrenting and streaming for example without copyright. Megavideo and megaupload were closed down due to this act, one of the biggest online video sharing websites because the site had “violated piracy laws”. America have more than “$500 million in lost revenue” of revenue due to piracy

Audiences consume media through technologyWith the introduction of increasingly more smartphones being introduced to meida audiences such as iphones and androids, it is a lot easier for audiences to access the media. There are now apps that allow audiences to catch up with television that they have missed on the go. The same goes for traditional types of media such as newspapers, these too can be accessed on your phone on the go, for example as you go to work. 

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